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Storytelling Festival
Ricky Allen
Storytelling Festival
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Storytelling Festival in Farmington

I went to the storytelling festival on Saturday afternoon.  I took two of my children and one of their friends.  It was a windy, cloudy day.  I thought it would be warm enough with out a sweatshirt but inside the tent was pretty chilly.
The stories were amazing.  I found myself really enjoying them.  The younger children seem to be more interesting with their stories.  It could be because one of the little girls played on my softball team and another was in my daughter's class in school. 
I am sure it takes a great deal of courage to go up there and tell the stories.  It is neat that children can do this and with such excitement.  I am glad my children got to see how it is done.
This is an excellent activity to introduce to classrooms. 

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